Big Step Week 27th-29th June 2023

Dear Parents/Carers, 

It’s almost time for ‘Big Step Week’. With a week to go, we are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 to Broadoak Academy. The staff and students have been preparing for the arrival of our new students; staff have been preparing for their learning during the Big Step Week and students have had House assemblies about how they will be extending their in-school families. Everyone is very excited! 

I appreciate that this is a momentous time for you as well as the children, so I hope this letter will alleviate your worries a little.  I would encourage you to ‘let them go’, encourage your children to be brave, to show courage; one of our three school values – Time Courage Choice.  

We would ask that children arrive for 8.50am, just after the beginning of morning tutorial. Our new Y7 students will be brought together and grouped for their first few activities of the day, however, new Year 7 will not be told which House they are in until after break on day one. There are three reasons for this – firstly, we wish to organise them into learning groups straight away and to get them into classrooms and learning as soon as possible. These are our expectations for all our students, and this is how they will succeed. Secondly, joining your House at Broadoak is a big deal. This will be your family in school for 5 years, and we need this to be a special process, and not rushed. Thirdly, it gives our Student Support Team the opportunity to prepare key students for the process of finding out which House they are in, where this is necessary and appropriate. 

The full outline of the Big Step Timetable is available overleaf. 

Lunch for our new Year 7 students will be at the earlier time of 12.30, to allow them to familiarise themselves with our lunchtime routines. They will also be given a designated space outside where they can spend their lunchtime if they wish.  If they have siblings in the school, they will be able to spend lunchtime with their siblings too of course! 

On the afternoon of the final day, students will enjoy a celebration assembly where they will sit in Houses and where medals and House points will be awarded and will be added to their records for September. I know it will be a great start for the year for those who gain House points during the three days. In the evening that day, we will be inviting parent/carers into school to exhibit some of what the children have been doing over the ‘Big Step Week’ and to hear from some of our House Representatives from other years. Parents/Carers will also hear from the me and my Vice Principal, Carina Smith, before ending the evening with refreshments and a chance to meet the House Teams and Tutors. 

 One final thing; please do not come on site to collect your child at the end of the day. This  is not common practice at secondary school, there are safeguarding implications as other student will be on site, and your children probably don’t want you to. They are at ‘big school’ now. Of course, if you have any worries or questions, we want to work with you in partnership. To support this, there will be a ‘drop-in’ session for parents/carers at 5.00pm on Thursday 29th (30 minutes before the parent/carer evening). 

We look forward to meeting all our new students and parent/carers next week. Any queries or question before then, please contact our dedicated mailbox – [email protected] or check our Transition area on the school website:  

Mr D McGilloway  


Broadoak Academy 



What about EID? 

If you are observing EID on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th and your child is not due to be in school, please contact us on [email protected]  email so that we can work with you and your family to enable you to have a further opportunity to visit Broadoak prior to September, if you wish. 

What should my child wear? 

Students attending the Big Step will take part in physical activities every day.  They should wear appropriate clothing and footwear for this such as: PE kit or breathable polo tops if these are their usual uniform. Any questions, please email us at [email protected] 

What will the children eat? 

Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch for the three days to support them to enjoy the space and fresh air over break and lunchtime.  If you are entitled to a free school meal packed lunch, please notify us via email on: [email protected] 

Where do I drop them off and collect? 

Students joining us should enter school through one of the three gates (Uphill Road, Broadoak Road or Devonshire Road) and head into the school through the PE corridor (this is our only entrance).  Parents must remain outside the gates after dropping off and wait outside the gates prior to collection.  Please remember that sometimes they take longer than usual to pack up after a day in big school! If you have any concerns speak to a member of Broadoak staff – there is one on each gate on duty every day. 

What time should I drop off and collect?

Drop off at any of the three gates at 8.50am.

Collect at any of the three gates at 2.50pm

Reminder: Parents must remain outside the gates at drop off and pick up. Parents must not enter the school building.

What should they bring? 

All students should bring the following to Big Step at Broadoak: 

  • A bag 
  • Equipment (pen, pencil and ruler) 
  • Any work completed towards their Broadoak Reading Challenge 
  • Refillable water bottle with their name on 
  • Packed lunch 

Big Step Week 27th-29th June 2023