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Festival of Culture

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are looking forward to celebrating Broadoak Academy’s diversity and unity at our annual Festival of Culture on Saturday the 15th June, and we hope to see you there. It looks to be an incredibly joyful event for all.

In the build up for the festival we have planned activities throughout the week at school to celebrate our wonderful community and its culture. This all culminates on Friday 14th June, when we will hold our first ever cultural dress day.

It will be an exciting day where students can dress to celebrate and share their culture with their peers and teachers. Equally, students are not expected to participate should they wish to only observe on this occasion.

There are some rules for the day as stated below.

Students can wear:
Full traditional/ cultural outfit linked to heritage (Kilt, Abaya, Romani dress, etc.).
Cultural headdress or hair accessories linked to heritage/culture.
Large flag worn around the shoulders with standard uniform.
T-shirt with flag on (Standard uniform on bottom half).
Pin badge to represent culture on lapel of uniform.
Smaller flags to wave in support.
National team football shirt (England, Brazil, etc) with standard uniform on bottom half.

Students cannot wear:
Non-school uniform. If they attend school wearing regular clothing, we will contact home to ensure correct uniform is worn. A consequence will also be put in place. All children have been informed of the rules.
Football shirts representing teams other than countries.

We cannot wait to celebrate with our young people and hope that it will be the beginning of a wonderful new Broadoak Academy tradition. If you would like any support in this regard or have a question about clothing, then you may contact us via email. Please send these questions to [email protected].

Kind regards,

Rose Hooke

Associate Assistant Principal