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Year 10 Pre-Public Exams, 23rd – 26th January 2024

Dear Y10 Parents/Carers,
Your child will have their first set of PPEs (pre-public exams/mocks) starting Tuesday 23rd January – Friday 26th January.

The students will only be assessed in their core subjects English, Maths and Science and this a fantastic opportunity to see how they are currently getting on in these subject areas and provide appropriate support in preparation for their following PPEs/final GCSEs.

This week all tutors will be delivering a session to the Y10 students outlining the key information about the PPEs. Please use these links to read this information and see the timetable:
Year 10 Core PPE Timetable 2024 (1)

Y10 PPE 1 Tutor Information (3)

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with the school.

Many thanks,
Miss Forster