Students and parents are responsible for making sure that they know the required standards for uniform and that these standards are met not only in the Academy, but anytime it is worn, particularly to and from the Academy.
Items not permitted within the uniform will be temporarily confiscated; they will be returned once parental confirmation of ownership is obtained and at a time that remains at the discretion of the Academy.
The uniform is consistent with the ethos of the Academy and the Academy states clearly what it considers appropriate dress and presentation. If the Academy considers an aspect of a student’s dress or appearance to be inappropriate, it reserves the right to require correction of this by student and parent/carer. The decision of the Principal on any uniform matter is final.
All items are available from:
NK Sports / NK Uniform
Unit 7 Station Road,
Worle, Weston-super-Mare
BS22 6AU
Tel: 01934 511005
Email: [email protected]
Broadoak Academy Uniform
Students should take a pride in their standard of uniform and in their Academy. They represent the Academy through their appearance at all times both on the premises and on the journey between home and Academy.
The Academy is often complimented on the smart appearance of our students and we appreciate the support we receive from parents on this matter. If you require any kind of support regarding uniform please email us at [email protected]
1. Official Broadoak black blazer with Broadoak badge embroidered on the pocket. Blazers must be worn
at all times and may only be removed if it is warm in a lesson if the teacher gives permission.
1a. Black V Neck Jumper
2a. Trousers tailored in plain black. Trousers must be tailored and straight; not excessively tight and
tapered. They should be of a sensible length and ‘sit on the shoe’. Students should be able to tuck in shirts
comfortably. No leggings, denim or stretchy fabric.
2b. Black tailored shorts.
2c. Skirt tailored in plain black. Skirts should be of a length sensible for school. One that allows students to move around throughout the day without the need to be adjusted to a suitable length. No stretchy fabric or tight skirts.
3. Shirt in white with short or long sleeves (not “leisure/polo” type). It should have buttons to the neck for tie-wearing and should be tucked in at all times.
4. Official Broadoak Academy House tie.
a. Blue – Beech Bears
b. Red – Chestnut Cheetahs
c. Green – Spruce Sharks
d. Yellow – Whitebeam Wolves
Acceptable Footwear
5. Plain black polishable shoes of a safe and suitable type; strictly no trainers, boots, canvas shoes or high heels. No coloured markings or brand logos are permitted.
Unacceptable Footwear
No trainers not even black leather ones or any brand logos, markings or tags.
6. Plain white, black or grey socks (unpatterned) or plain black or natural-coloured tights.
7. Optional – in colder weather students may wear a plain black v-necked sweater under their blazers. The school will make students and parents aware when these are not to be worn.
Jewellery, Makeup & Hair
8. No jewellery should be worn, apart from small ear studs, to a maximum of two per ear lobe, though pupils may be required to remove these for some activities. No ‘ear stretchers’. No facial jewellery is allowed, including nose studs or tongue piercings. Watches are permitted.
9. Make-up if worn should be discreet. It will have to be removed if noticeable. No nail varnish or nail extensions.
10. Hair – Students hair should be acceptable for the school environment.
* Hair colour should be within the normal range of natural hair colours.
* No tramlines/shaved patterns.
* Students that observe hijab should wear a black hijab for school. – During the warmer months, a light white, or lilac hijab will be suitable.
* Durags may also need to be worn on occasion by students to protect hair from damage.
Please check to avoid problems – the Principal’s decision on hair is final.
Broadoak Academy is proud to champion The Halo Code and the right of staff and students to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our black staff and students’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance.
We welcome Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps (either in black or the Academy purple).
At this school, we recognise and celebrate our staff and students’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on anyone’s ability to succeed.
PE Kit Requirements
- The official Broadoak sports polo shirt
- Black shorts
- The official Broadoak football/hockey socks (outdoor) or long plain purple or black socks (outdoor)
- White sports socks (indoors)
- Trainers
- Football boots (boys only) – we do have a collection of donated football boots if required
- Shin pads (boys only)
Optional for outdoor games use only:
- Black sports sweatshirt (plain no logos)
- Tracksuit bottoms (black, plain no logos)
- The official Broadoak rugby jersey or plain black hoodie- (for winter/cold weather)
P.E. kit is essential for every lesson. If a pupil is unable to take part in the lesson because of a medical reason, they still need to bring in their P.E. kit and change. They can then help their teacher to coach, referee or umpire. They may be outside in wet conditions. They will then be able to change out of a wet P.E. kit into a dry uniform for the rest of the day’s lessons. No jewellery.
Please note:
- All items of clothing/equipment must be clearly marked with the student’s name.
- No excesses of fashion are permitted.
- Garments / items not listed above will be confiscated.
- Students not adhering to the uniform rules may be withdrawn from mainstream lessons until they do.
If students are having piercings done during a holiday period, they should leave enough time to be able to remove them on their return to school – the same applies to any hairstyles that do not comply with the above code.
Items not permitted within the uniform will be temporarily confiscated; they will be returned once parental confirmation of ownership is obtained and at a time that remains at the discretion of the Academy.
Purchasing Uniform
All items are available from NK Sports.
NK Sports
Unit 7 Station Road
Weston super Mare
BS22 6AU
Online: www.nksports.co.uk
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01934 511005